Reporting & Dashboards
- Onbalansresultaten
- Ontbrekende allocatie
- Termijnposities
- Spot forecast
- Open positie
- Biedprijs bepaling
- Status forecast
- Bieding en e-programma
- Actionable
GGV allocatie profiel check o.b.v. eigen PV register (herallocatie)
- Zuiver PV register
- GGV berekening
- Aggregaties & berekening
- Trigger (na totaal allocatie bericht?) of time schedule
AMR Allocatie RNB vs TSO checksum
- Aggregaties individuele TMT naar RNB
- trigger (na ontvangst totaal allocatie bericht?) of time schedule
- Trigger (na totaal allocatie bericht?) of time schedule
Vreemde allocatie ontvangen (niet bijgevoegd)
- Zuiver PV register noodzakelijk
- Draaitabel
- EAN uit meetdatabericht onbekend in PV register
- Allocatie ontvangen voor EAN met allocatie methode <> TMT
- Missende allocatie
- Absoluut, relatief, onbalans- (en shaping)kosten per cluster
- NTO & NTA o.b.v. eigen aggregaties van zowel nominatie als allocatie
Feedback loop
- Onbalanskosten excl. wind cluster
- Onbalanskosten wind cluster
- Autocorrelatie diagram
- Onbalanskosten in draaitabel
- Spreidingsdiagram onbalans
- Scatter diagram

Portfolio segmantation
Segmentation of customers within a portfolio increases the predictability of their load profile and helps analyze behavioral and (margin) performance related characteristics.
This is useful for:
- Long Term forecasting
- Short term forecasting
- Custom pricing for specific customer groups
- Homogenous groups for shaping & imbalance tariffs
- Manage changing customer needs and load profiles
Within segmentation services the following methods are used:
- Data validation (correctness, completeness)
- Applying (auto) correlation
- Regional correlation to weather station
- Evening lighting like sport park (correlated to global radiation, wind and precipitation)
- Water pumping station (precipitation)
- Combination solar and industrial usage (global radiation)
Monitoring activities on streaming data
7-23, 7 days a week monitoring & operational follow up.

Choose the right solution for your business needs
VERTEX applicable to all major Energy companies
Lead management
Lead potential customers until the point where they make a purchase
Pricing management
Dynamic pricing for all types of customers, contracts & price-structures
Manages contracts through the entire lifecycle
portfolio management
Manage customers segments, sales & hedge books
Day- ahead
Spot nomination based on portfolio position and forecasts
Intraday- module
Execute Intraday trades based on forecast updates and market dynamics
BRP management
Maintain supply and demand on the energy market
Document Generation
A smart solution that revolutionizes document layout and management